Editor: If you get a lot of spam ASD will certainly help you locate the emails that are important.
Using a Combination of clean-lists, spam-lists and advanced internal filtering, ASD can with a great deal of accuracy determine which email is spam and which is not.
You can set this anti-spam program to automatically delete spam for you. Otherwise you will see it listed in red to quickly cue the Eye to The Green emails that deserve your attention.
But although it can operate automatically, unlike most anti-spam programs, Aggressive Spam Defense is focusing on giving you as much control as possible. You can set up and tweak the anti-spam features almost any way you like and in great detail.
Anti spam features such as: set it up to automatically delete emails with specific attachments, such as exe-files. Set it to automatically delete emails sendt to a specific recipient. Set it to automatically delete emails written in a specific character set. And more...
Of course, to make sure that important emails are not lost, Aggressive Spam Defense can be set up to let through emails with certain criteria. These resemble the anti-spam features as you can specify that emails with certain senders, recipients, words & phrases and even attachments are let through, bypassing the anti-spam detection of Aggressive Spam Defense.
The user-interface has been streamlined for quickly manipulating the list of emails. For example, with just a couple of clicks you can delete all spam from the server.
Hace anti-spam program's features
* 4 Levels of Protection for each email account
* Accurately detects spam
* Can automatically delete spam
* Ultimate control of what to delete
* Spam deleted on server - before reaching computer
* Detects virus-like attachments
* Minute control over every filter if desired
* Automatically white-lists contacts in address-book
* Multiple spam-lists